An Institution is built upon the foundation of great ideas. It rises like a citadel in which are mirrored hopes and aspiration of the thousands of minds who walk through its corridors. Over the years education has got commercialized. Let us not forgot unless learning is relevant to improvement in living, it is not learning at all.
I dedicate this website to founder Principals, Members of Management & Staff for their vision, courage, faith and pioneering spirit and to all loyal student of this Institute.
My strong belief is to have dreams, then cherish and nourish them. The more we nourish our dreams, higher are our conviction in them. Dreams are wings in which we fly over all the obstacles. The most critical aspect in making our dreams come true is one's capacity to hurdle the challenges faced in the journey.
Be confident, love yourself and play well under pressure because pressures will always remain.
Dr. Madhu Gupta
Vice Principal